Unraveling the Psoas: Your Core’s Most Elusive Ally

movement muscle pilates psoas May 15, 2024

Stabilizing, mobilizing, and, for many of us, sadly underutilized, the psoas muscle could easily be the unsung hero of our physicality. Nestled deep within the core, it is a key player in the nuanced orchestra of our body's movements. But just how much do we really know about this elusive muscle? Could our psoas hold the key to unlocking our wellness and fitness potential?

The Pilates professional community is abuzz with the topic of the psoas, with reactions ranging from awe to a bit of well-deserved introspection. Join me in The Pilates Lounge as we explore the psoas' influence on our wellness, dissecting the myths from the facts, and equipping you with the knowledge you need to connect with this crucial component of your body.

The Psoas Unrolled: Anatomy 101

Did you know that at the very heart of our bodies lies a muscle that's the unsung hero of our movement? It's called the Psoas muscle, pronounced "so-as," and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. Picture this: the psoas starts at the spine, right at the 12th thoracic vertebrae (T12) and weaves its way to each of the 5 lumbar vertebrae. It doesn’t stop there; it travels through the pelvis and anchors itself into the lesser trochanter of the femur bone. Imagine a powerful, massive muscle, positioned on either side of the spine, acting as a vital bridge between your trunk and legs. Yes, that’s the psoas for you!

Now, here's where it gets super interesting – the psoas is the only muscle that connects your spine to your legs, allowing for that smooth, free swing of your legs when you walk. It’s like having your personal bridge that supports and facilitates each step you take.

But the wonders of the psoas don’t just end with walking. Nestled at the core of our being, close to our center of gravity, this muscle is a pillar of our structural balance, muscular integrity, flexibility, and so much more. It plays a pivotal role in our range of motion, joint mobility, and even organ functioning. It's the epitome of the deep connection between our innermost core and the external world, bringing about a harmony and coordination in our movements that's nothing short of magical.

So, the next time you're taking a stroll, give a little nod of appreciation to your psoas muscle. It’s working tirelessly to keep you moving effortlessly, blending strength and grace in every step. Isn’t it just fascinating how our bodies are designed with such intricate and powerful systems, all coming together to help us explore and interact with the world around us? Let's cherish and care for our bodies, celebrating the incredible capabilities and support they offer us in every moment.

The psoas, my friends, is more than just a muscle; it's the core's secret passage to everything below our waist, playing a huge role in how we walk, run, and even sit. But, let me tell you, its influence goes way beyond just helping us move. This deep-seated muscle is like the unsung hero of our body, deeply entwined with our breath, our posture, and how we handle our emotions. It's not just a muscle; it's a guardian of our well-being, nestled deep within, carrying responsibilities that are just as profound.

Cultivating Harmony: The Psoas in Wellness

Diving into the intricacies of the psoas muscle has been a game-changer for me, and I'm excited to share why it's so crucial for anyone practicing Pilates, Exercise, or Yoga. Understanding the psoas is like unlocking a secret to maintaining core integrity and keeping injuries at bay. This muscle isn't just a hip flexor; it's a rotator, a stabilizer, and so much more. It plays a pivotal role in our flee/fight reflex and acts as a hydraulic pump, enriching our practice with a deeper sense of balance.

Now, I've seen a common misconception that using the psoas as an anchor or muscular lock can enhance range of motion. But, let me tell you, this approach does more harm than good. Common cues like "push your navel to the spine" or "press your lower back or pelvis to the floor" actually suggest locking the core for support, which ultimately limits the psoas's functionality. Instead, embracing the complexity of the psoas muscle without restricting it allows for a truly integrated muscle work.

I've learned that proper skeletal support doesn't come from forcing the body into unnatural positions. Instead, using imagery to reflect the muscle's complexity has been a breakthrough in my teaching. Encouraging a released psoas muscle is the first step in unraveling core tension patterns and lengthening external muscles.

Through my journey, I've realized that engaging with the psoas in a holistic and respectful manner brings not just physical benefits, but a profound sense of connection with our bodies. So, let's start treating our psoas with the care it deserves, and watch as it transforms our practice, bringing us closer to the joy of movement.

When Harmony Falters: Psoas Dysfunction

The secret adversary has been unmasked. Psoas Dysfunction can sneak up on us in a variety of ways, manifesting as back pain, digestive discomfort, tight hips, sleepless nights, and an unshakeable restlessness. The Psoas communicates in a language that our body interprets through a spectrum of responses, from the harmony of a gentle symphony to the chaos of a cacophony that unsettles our very essence. Initially, the Psoas whispers its discomfort, but if ignored, it escalates to a scream demanding attention. It's crucial to heed these warnings and adapt our habits accordingly, as the Psoas is deeply intertwined with the fabric of our most vital organs. It connects to our breathing, mirrors the rhythm of our heart, and echoes those gut feelings that signal truths we might be reluctant to face. Just as I've learned through my journey with Pilates, listening and responding to our body's signals can transform our well-being. The Psoas isn't just a muscle; it's a messenger that, when listened to, guides us towards a healthier, more harmonious state of being. Just like finding the right Pilates instructor can make all the difference in how we move and feel, tuning into our Psoas can profoundly affect our physical and emotional health.

The Remedy Revealed: Psoas Repair and Maintenance

The psoas muscle, nestled deep within our core, might not be something you've heard much about, but trust me, it plays a pivotal role in our well-being. It's not the easiest to pinpoint due to its depth, and frankly, trying to physically manipulate it isn't the best of ideas.

From my own journey and understanding, the psoas is intricately linked to our fight, flight, or freeze response. Any invasive attempts to tackle issues with it can actually worsen the situation. This muscle is like a primal messenger from our central nervous system, expressing those deep-seated "gut feelings" we often talk about.

When it's tense, the psoas can throw a wrench in our digestive and reproductive systems, among other things. However, when it's relaxed and thriving, it contributes to a sense of pleasure and comfort.

Let me share a simple yet effective way to ease tension in your psoas – constructive rest. It's something I've incorporated into my routine, especially after a long day, right before dinner. Just 10-20 minutes can make a world of difference.

Here's how to do it: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet parallel, about hip-width apart. Your heels should be around 12-16 inches from your buttocks. It's crucial to keep your trunk and head level with the floor – a folded towel under your head can help if needed. Remember, this isn't about forcing your spine to flatten; just find a comfortable position for your arms and let yourself simply "be."

This comfortable posture not only helps alleviate back, pelvic, and leg fatigue but also eases tension in a way that feels nurturing and safe.

Incorporating this practice into your daily routine, just like I did, could be a small step towards a more balanced and joyful movement through life. It's about taking those moments for ourselves, to listen and to heal, and the psoas muscle is a great place to start.


In Conclusion: The Psoas as Your Pathway to Wholeness

Understanding and acknowledging the psoas is not just about improving our physical health; it's about up-leveling our relationship with our bodies. By taking the time to honour this intricate muscle, we honor the incredible machine that is our bodies, fostering an environment of health, ease, and vitality. Embark on this narrative, capitalize on the wisdom shared, and witness the transformation as the psoas becomes your pathway to wholeness.


The psoas muscle embodies your joy, harbors your fears, and fosters a deep, intuitive understanding with every movement you make. Treating it merely as a mechanical tool undermines your potential from the start. To truly empower the psoas, it requires nourishment through movement, mindful practices, and diet, reflecting the daily choices you make. Making thoughtful decisions about your activities and nutrition will allow the psoas to lead you towards effortless movement and functionality, fostering a sense of gratitude.


By demystifying the psoas muscle and highlighting its critical role in everyday life, this guide aims to empower readers to take actionable steps towards a more harmonious relationship with this core component of their being. Through knowledge, movement, and an ongoing partnership with healthcare professionals, the psoas has the potential to become a resilient force for positive change in our lives.


Are you ready to explore your Psoas in movement? Join our bi weekly publication The Pilates Muse as we have some exciting and inspiring workshops coming your way.

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